Cyber-security is a novel threat faced by many organizations despite its size. In large companies, extensive networks might lead to unforeseen threats, while small and medium scale companies may face threats due to the lack of technologically advanced equipment to identify them. Despite the size, threats can be seen as a common enemy that needs to be eliminated. After all, you may deal with highly sensitive information of customers. If not, even personal details like contact numbers and addresses, which may not seem sensitive is a violation of rights, if accessed by others for various intentions. Such scenarios are not easy to face as they may affect your business and its reputation.

In Australia, it is said that 67% of cyber-threats are caused by ransomware, 45% occurs through malicious emails and 32% occurs through third party vendors which can cause high risks to data. In addition to these, depending on the type of business, risks differ.
Since data is very important in any business, this short note will educate you about data breaching and incident response in terms of cyber- threats. This can happen in three ways as data can be breached, hacked or compromised. Here are a few steps in managing this risk.
Assessing The Extent
In this stage, you have to identify how severe the problem is. Depending on the severity, you can decide whether you can handle the situation without any help or if you need a professional’s advice or even if they have to take over. Try to understand the damage that has been caused so far.
Here, you will be able to identify the root of the problem. In case you do not have enough expertise to complete this step, companies like Gridware are specialized in such tasks. They will also identify and halt it so that further damage is minimized. They also help you to complete the process with expert help and trusted solutions that are needed according to the situation.
Understanding the impact is also important here. The impact can be three fold, namely the impact on finances, business loss or profit or reputation. If you seek the assistance of service providers, some offer you unique services like liaising with law enforcement agencies or other government authorities, making your task easier.
Detection And Analysis
After a background check, you should be able to detect the problem. After initial detection, you can move to steps that will contain the threat.
Containment is important as you will now employ actual methods to stop the threat from spreading and creating more damage. Once the source of vulnerability is eliminated, you can use methods to protect your system from future threats or even recover any important information. This leads you to the final stage which is:

A Post-Incident Analysis
Service providers will offer you a report with detailed information that can be important when facing future threats.
In case you and your team lack general information about cyber-security, you can now consult experts who are ready to help and protect what matters most in your organization.